On November 14, 15 departments, including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, and the Ministry of Communications, jointly issued the “Intensive Actions to Eliminate Heavy Pollution Weather, Ozone Pollution Prevention, and Diesel Truck Pollution Control.” Program”. The purpose of the “Action Plan” is to solve the prominent atmospheric environmental problems that the people are concerned about, and to continuously improve air quality in order to successfully fight the three iconic battles of eliminating heavily polluted weather, preventing and controlling ozone pollution, and controlling pollution from diesel trucks.

The “Action Plan” emphasizes that by 2025, the country’s severe and above-level pollution weather will be basically eliminated; the coordinated control of PM2.5 and ozone will achieve positive results, and the growth trend of ozone concentration will be effectively curbed; The total amount of pollutant discharge decreased significantly.

The key goals of the “Diesel Truck Pollution Control Action Plan” are: by 2025, the cleanliness and low-carbon level of the transportation structure, vehicle and ship structure will be significantly improved, the quality of fuel oil will continue to improve, and motor vehicles, construction machinery, and diesel locomotives in key areas will emit black smoke if they exceed the standard The phenomenon has been basically eliminated. The national diesel truck emission inspection pass rate exceeds 90%, and the national diesel truck nitrogen oxide emissions drop by 12%. The proportion of new energy and National VI emission standard trucks will exceed 40%. 0.5 percentage points.